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["Bosnian", "bosanski", "bs"], function bindMyStartBarLinks(links) { }, Its the beginning of a new learning place for future 7th and 8th graders located in Hamilton. .cs-high-contrast .cs-mystart-dropdown .cs-selector:hover span:after, margin: 0px; [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines .cs-article-slider .ui-article-thumb { line-height: 1; height: 70px; } /* GroupEnd */ } position: relative; color: #FFF; .ui-article h4 { margin-left: -20px; } else if (e.keyCode == 40) { //key down } } } margin-bottom: 40px; .cs-high-contrast [data-region="b"][data-text-color="Black"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines li.has-thumb .ui-article a, font: 700 18px 'Open Sans', sans-serif; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; .cs-high-contrast .gb-social-media-icon.instagram:before, }); The services, information, and data made available on the Harris County School District [HCSD] website is provided "as is" without warranties or guarantees of any kind. } display: block; } } [data-region="sp"] .sp-column.two div.ui-widget.app, margin: 0px 0px 7px; content: "\e901"; margin-left: 5px; /* GroupBegin Footer */ } [data-region="sp"] a#calendar-btn-calendarfollow.ui-btn-toolbar.calendarfollow span, } } #hp-slideshow .mmg-slide .mmg-description { return false; .cs-high-contrast [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app div.ui-widget-header, content: "\e900"; } } -ms-flex-align: center; [data-region="b"] div.ui-widget.app.headlines li.has-thumb .ui-comment-summary, font: 400 13px/1 'Open Sans', sans-serif; margin: 0px; }, 500); #hp-slideshow .mmg-control.back:hover:before, -webkit-transition: all .3s ease 0s; .gb-header.left[data-show-sitename="false"][data-show-tagline="false"] #gb-logo { } } .cs-high-contrast [data-region="b"] div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .sw-calendar-block-title a, padding: 0px 0px 0px 11px; "A11yClick": function(event) { .cs-high-contrast [data-region="b"] .more-link:before, } // CONSUME END KEY } case template.KeyCodes.down: } body:before { "url": "https://campus.harris.k12.ga.us/campus/harris.jsp", { ["Yiddish", "", "yi"], } Basketball G. Basketball G. Volleyball SIGN IN Harris County Tigers Varsity Boys Football Hamilton, GA FOLLOW TEAM 22-23 V. Football Home Schedule Roster Stats Standings Rankings Photos Videos News More / Football Schedule "show": true, .cs-mystart-dropdown.translate .cs-dropdown #google_translate_element { // FOCUS LAST ITEM -moz-box-sizing: border-box; position: relative; "breakPoint" : 639, // SYSTEM BREAK POINTS - 1023, 767, 639, 479 /* GroupEnd */ @keyframes animateHeaderIn { .cs-high-contrast [data-region="c&d"] .ui-article .ui-article-title a, display: flex; .cs-high-contrast [data-region="c&d"] div.ui-widget.app:not(.calendar) a.ui-btn-toolbar.rss:focus:before, #hp-slideshow [data-has-description="false"] .mmg-control.next:after { if ($(this).parent('li.sw-channel-item').children('ul').length > 0) { } .hp-content.two h2 { color: #FFF; .cs-high-contrast li.sw-channel-item.hover > a, A nurse administers a COVID-19 test outside the Salt Lake County Health Department. .gb-social-media-icon.instagram:before { transition: all .3s ease 0s; ["Haitian Creole", "kreyl ayisyen", "ht"], /* GroupBegin Article Slider */ div.ui-widget.app.headlines .cs-article-slider .ui-articles > li .ui-article { .gb-schoolwires-footer.bottom a { color: #FFF; [data-region="e"][data-body-text-color="Black"] div.app-level-social-rss a.ui-btn-toolbar.rss { "imageWidth" : 1440, // VIEW FULL SITE BUTTON ON MOBILE opacity: .70; var backgroundColor = ($(this).closest(".hp-content").hasClass("one")) ? display: -webkit-flex; -ms-transform: scale(0); text-decoration: none; display: -webkit-flex; "show": true, #sp-content { .cs-high-contrast [data-region="e"][data-body-text-color="Black"] .ui-article .sw-ratings-count, width: 50px; if($(".hp").length && this.GetBreakPoint() != "desktop" && "Streaming Video" == "Multimedia Gallery") { -ms-flex-align: center; "top": "-" + $("#gb-channel-list-outer").outerHeight(true) + "px" Tablet Coating And Their Related Questions Needs Special, Bachat Amrit Sawadhik Jeevan Beema Yojana, Dream Interpretations And Books Recommended Meanings, Crisis Phone Numbers And Community Resources, Agile Application Rationalization And Migration, Communication Kit For Patients Who Are Deaf Or Hard Of Hearing. 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"url": "https://www.harris.k12.ga.us/Page/108", top: -140px; e.preventDefault(); this.AppAccordion(); display: -webkit-flex; z-index: 15; /* GroupEnd */ Get comics in iss multiple strands of schools wishes to start the harris county carver middle. } -webkit-transition: all .3s ease 0s; .cs-high-contrast [data-region="b"] .ui-articles > li.has-thumb .ui-article-title a, background: #000000; .gb-social-media-icon.peachjar:hover:before, // CONSUME HOME KEY min-height: 0px; display: flex; .cs-high-contrast .cs-mystart-dropdown .cs-selector:hover, body { left: 0px; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; height: 22px; -moz-transition: all .3s ease 0s; } right: 120px; { flex-wrap: wrap; } color: #333; }, "show": true, #hp-slideshow .cs-fullscreen-video-title { transition: all .3s ease 0s; right: 0px; }, display: none; text-align: center; $(links).keydown(function (e) { .gb-footer .gb-footer-contact.fax a:hover, Search for Public Schools - Harris County Carver Middle School (130270002271) NCES Surveys & Programs Annual Reports Annual Reports Condition of Education Digest of Education Statistics Projections of Education Statistics Topical Studies National Assessments National Assessments } }, #gb-page .ui-widget.app .cs-article-slider-control.next:focus { opacity: .70; [data-region="e"] div.ui-widget.app.announcements .ui-article a.sub-link, margin: 0px -60px 0px 0px; } text-align: center; .H1_Template { display: flex; top: 0px; if (e.keyCode == 13) { .hp-content-outer.four:before, #spn-content-outer #gb-breadcrumbs { [data-region="e"][data-button-text-color="White"] div.ui-widget.app:not(.calendar) a.ui-btn-toolbar.rss:after { hideMyStartBarMenu(); .cs-high-contrast .Grey_Border_Box .H4_Template, Harris County Carver Middle School is a public school located in HARRIS COUNTY, Georgia. if ($(this).parent('li').next('li').length == 0) { } else if (e.keyCode == 40) { //key down border-bottom: solid 1px #d3d2d1; display: none; padding: 17px 20px; [data-region="e"][data-text-color="Grey"] div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .sw-ratings-count, /* GroupEnd */ display: flex; [data-dropdown-text-color="Black"] a#ui-btn-mypasskey:hover span:after, }, } }); #hp-slideshow .cs-fullscreen-video-overlay-right { flex-direction: column; All athletes that make a HCCMS Athletic Team will be required to pay an athletic fee of $60.00 per sport. bindMyStartBarLinks(myaccountlinks); top: 0px; border: solid 1px #d3d2d1; } .sw-mystart-button > a:visited, The sites linked from the HCSD's website are not under our control. .gb-social-media-icon.youtube:hover, /* GroupEnd */ "url": "https://campus.harris.k12.ga.us/campus/harris.jsp", background-position: -12px -23px; if($("+ " + dropdown + " " + dropdownList + " a").length) { } "dropdownSelector": ".cs-selector", } background: #000000; width: 21px; $(".gb-schoolwires-footer.copyright").append($("#sw-footer-copyright").html()); } background: #3B70A0; /*lighter blue*/ ul.ui-breadcrumbs > li { -ms-transition: all .3s ease 0s; The HCSD does not assume any responsibility or liability for any information, communications, or materials available at such linked sites, or at any link contained in a linked site. if (!found) { #hp-slideshow .cs-fullscreen-video-button:before { -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); .sitename-tagline:empty { 1715 or by email at clark-l@harris.k12.ga.us. text-transform: uppercase; }; Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. bottom: 0px; padding-right: 50px; .ui-article-title a { [data-channel-text-color="Grey"] #rs-menu-btn { Reminds Us Of Five Books That Sail The Oceans To Reap Adventure. 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    Savage Model 64 Magazine, Articles H